Thursday, November 16, 2017

Taxing Student Loan Interest....

Republicans are about to f*ck over the college kids.
If house Republicans get their way Student loan interest will no longer be tax deductible.
That will help off set the massive tax breaks going to rich corporations.
They tell everyone It is a giant tax cut for EVERYONE..... except for 25% of the middle class and stupid college kids.
The reason college kids keep getting fucked over (and over) is because they have no lobbyists in Washington.
They are poor.....generally uninterested, and completely uninformed.
They have this pie in the sky idea the world is fair. That makes it is super easy to take complete advantage.
They have already been beaten senseless (over debt) so why not toss some more rocks at them. Not like they will fight back, or even notice.


Blogger shanaya said...

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March 29, 2019 at 9:15 AM  

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