Sunday, December 17, 2017

FBI and The Tarmac Meeting.....

Lets reminisce.....
Hillary was under FBI investigation for her illegal emails.
Emails that would have put any other person in a jail cell for a very long time.
But just not Hillary. Hillary can do whatever the f*ck she wants. She is a Clinton. Normal rules do not apply.
The attorney general was Loretta Lynch.
Loretta was sitting in her private plane (at the Phoenix airport) when what da ya know..... Bill Clinton flies in aboard his private plane. What a coincidence...... What are the chances that Bill Clinton would be at the exact same airport........ at the same time.......... as Mrs.Lynch. Hot Damn.......
Since they were both there Bill decided to go on board Lorettas plane and say hello. I mean what is the problem? Sure his wife is under federal investigation (under Lorettas agency) but that is no reason not to be social. Go on aboard about the grand kids. No conflict of interest in any of that.......Especially since nobody would ever find out.
The only problem was the God Damned media did find out. Most of the media tried really (really) hard to ignore the entire story. But eventually they had to cover the scandal. The FBI was pissed. Really freakin pissed.
Who the f*ck told the American people what the hell is going on at the Tarmac? The FBI (who would go on to clear Hillary within days of the social gathering) wanted to know who it was. Was it a freakin local cop? How can we punish whoever it was? That was the FBI's main concern.
The same FBI who Loretta Lynch insisted had to call Hillarys crimes a "matter" so it didn't seem too bad. The same FBI that is currently trying to pin the make believe Russia collusion scandal on the current president. That FBI......Well their main concern wasn't about Bill and Loretta's conflict of interest......... No sir.......It wasn't about the illegal influences on their federal investigation.........No sir.
The FBI's only concern was that someone told the f*cken media and now they needed to do damage control. Son of a B*tch.........


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