Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Decret Society In The FBI.....

Secret Society within the FBI..........
Secret Society to overthrow the Democratically elected President of the United States.
In the old days you would be hanged for such a thing. In 2018 most of the Fake News Media won't even cover the story.
Secret Societies have been running the world for decades. You know nothing about them (Just as they prefer) and you are not welcome to join in their secret (disturbing) proceedings but they are out there running the world.
Many of our countries presidents have taken part in these Secret Societies.
In 1961 President Kennedy gave a speech where he outlined dangers of Secret Societies. Two years later "they" put a bullet in his brain and that was the end of his criticism
Secret Societies and the Deep State go hand in hand. Secret Societies need to be able to keep secrets. The CIA needs to be able to keep secrets. It is not a coincidence that George HW Bush was in Skull and Bones and also the Head of the CIA. Many people in the CIA come from Skull and Bones. Who better to rule the world then people who lay in coffins and worship skulls. Those are the kind of people we have at the highest level of world power. If you knew all the details of what they did (in their secret meetings) you would be extremely concerned. Good thing you don't know.
Skull and Bones is not the only show in town.
There is the Bilderberg Group. You are not welcome there either. But Obama went. Bush went. Clinton Went.
There is Bohemian Grove (out in California) where the Republicans gather to pee on the trees and burn a human effigy. The ceremony is called the cremation of Care. They will NEVER talk to you about it. You might get upset about burning Human Effigy's. It is better if you just mind your business. But I will be happy to tell you about the disturbed and demented things your world leaders take part in.
Now it seems we have a new FBI secret society attempting Treason. Exciting times.


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