Thursday, February 22, 2018

NRA Stirring Up Fear Propaganda......

The only agenda is to send our kids to school and have them return home again (still) alive. That is it.
Or go to a concert and be able to finish that concert still alive. There is no other agenda.
The NRA agenda is to ensure everyone gets guns…..Any guns….All guns…..And any amount of bullets……. No matter how many people have to be killed (because that happened) is all just fine with the NRA.
The Republicans are too gutless to say sit down and shut up Wayne.
Too gutless to say we are going to fix this problem and you (small minority gun crowd) who scream and yell the loudest can be quiet and deal with it.
Whether you are allowed to have an AR-15 (or not) does not dictate if our country is socialist or Democratic.
The NRA depends on its members being scared.
Scared = Gun Sales.
The more scared you are the more likely you are to get a gun.
But the NRA cares nothing about the kids bleeding, and dying, and scared under their classroom desks.
America just needs to realize the NRA is the minority.
3 million NRA members vs 330 million people in the United States. The NRA does not matter. Not even a little bit. They are just an annoying gnat flying around your head. Swat them away and ban assault rifles.
When assault rifles are re-banned Democracy will continue on.


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