Friday, March 23, 2018

Ok...Maybe The CIA Did Do It.....Says News.....

Oh………. Now fake news CNN admits it could be true the CIA killed Kennedy.
For 50+ years the media covered up, and ridiculed anyone who questioned the make believe official story.
But now it can’t be ruled out that the CIA overthrew the government.
Which they did.
You don’t have to look very far to see there are big (big) problems with the official story.
It is pretty clear what happened (and is still happening today).
But it is nice to see the fake news media taking baby steps towards the blatantly obvious.
The CIA murdered the president, and the CIA has been controlling the government for many (many) decades……..
Right up until Trump.
There is a reason the CIA (and Intelligence community) will do ANYTHING…..Say ANYTHING…..To get Trump removed.
They need to get control back of the government. They lost that control in 2016.


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