Sunday, August 19, 2018

Manafort Judge......

Who would threaten the judge?
Most people would be scared to threaten a judge.
Would it be someone defending Manafort? Unlikely. Nobody cares about Manafort.
Would it be someone defending the Deep State? Very likely.
If you have followed the trial at all you know the judge has been very hard on the Special Counsel.
The Special Counsel lawyers have complained about the judge on multiple occasions.
The judge has made it clear he understands the only point of the Special Council is to get rid of trump.
The special counsel serves no other purpose.
It isn’t about Russia, or collusion, or finding truth. It is only about getting trump. The judge has basically said those exact words. The deep state was not too happy about being called out.
Since the Special counsel has completely failed in its mission (to get trump)and the only thing it has to show is Manafort…….. Even though manafort has nothing to do with anything……….
If Manafort walks free those 17 Angry Democrats (and Deep State)are going to look really….. really……. Really……… really…… bad.
Hence why the judge is now getting threats.
You can probably trace the calls right to the CIA building.
This witch hunt special counsel needs to show a victory before more of their friends lose their security clearances.


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