Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Jeff Bezos Caves To The Pressure.....

Jeff Bezos caved because Jeff Bezos has no friends.
On the Right President Trumps HATES Jeff Bezos. Trump has attacked Bezos on multiple occasions.
Trump hates Bezos because Bezos owns the Washington Post. The primary goal of the Washington Post is to Trash Trump all the time. The Post is a card carrying member of the Deep State. Most Deep State leaks end up in the Washington Post (or New York Times). That is especially true if they are attacking Trump. So Trump likes to bash Bezos (and Amazon) every chance he gets.
On the Left Bernie Sanders Hates Amazon too. Sanders wants to raise Amazons taxes (and introduced the Bezos Tax bill) to tax companies who's employees are on food stamps.
It is unseemly when the CEO has more money then every human being on planet Earth, all while his employees are on Government assistance. Bernie didn't like that and was on the attack.
So Bezos had no choice but to surrender and pretend he is being a leader. Now you can watch him sprinkle the pennies on the little people. How nice.
Look at Mr. Bezos.......What a great guy. When you threaten (and ridicule) him enough he will actually do the right thing. Especially when he finds himself hated by all.



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