Monday, March 25, 2019

Slamming The Fake News Media.......

The FAKE NEWS should be slammed and shamed.
President Trump called the Fake news media the Enemy of The American People and he was correct.
That is exactly what they are.
They tell you if you believe what Trump says you are a "Conspiracy theorist". (IE: A nut job)
Then they try to sell you their latest Conspiracy theories. Trump and Putin snuggle in bed together......Our country is in danger................
Fake News CNN. Fake News MSNBC. Fake News New York Times. Fake News Washington Post.......I could go on and on but I would be writing their names all day.
They all clutched their pearls when Trump said they were the enemy........ but after 2 years of Hysteria coverage.......... all based on NOTHING............ we can conclude Trump is correct.
Trump colluding with Russia was not the threat to our democracy.
Fake News propaganda (designed to take down an elected President) is absolutely the enemy of us all.
Weaponizing the news to spin a narrative of lies (for political purposes) should worry everyone.
Some people can't decipher real news from fake news.
They hear the propaganda and they believe it. Even when it makes no sense.
That should keep everyone up at night staring at the ceiling.
These fakes news outfits should apologize.
They told lies. Provable lies.
There was no presumption of innocence. There was no objective journalism. Trump was guilty........ now lets hang him.
It was over two years of outrageous coverage by supposedly reputable news organizations.
Meanwhile the economy boomed. Unemployment dropped. The stock market rose. Wages rose. Criminal justice reform was passed. ISIS was defeated. The war in Syria wound down. The Taliban came to the negotiating table. North Korea came to the negotiating table. Everything improved everywhere you looked.......... except if you looked in the Fake News. There it was a constitutional crisis 24/7 all based on lies.


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