Wednesday, April 10, 2019

They Did Spy On Trump.....

Trump told you that they spied on his campaign and everyone mocked him.
They ridiculed him. They made fun of him.
But when all the bullsh*t ended what we find (is what we always find) Trump was correct.
Corrupt Barack Obama, and the Corrupt Democratic National Committee, and The Corrupt FBI, and the Corrupt CIA, and The Corrupt Fake News media, all conspired to take out Trump.
And they all failed miserably.
They had to spy on Trump. They had no choice. The American people stopped listening to their lies and insisted on thinking for themselves.
The Deep State couldn't understand how they lost complete control.
Hillary spent 1.2 BILLION dollars (the most money ever spent on a political campaign)to convince you to vote for her. You still wouldn't do it.
Every newspaper in the United States endorsed and told you to vote for Hillary. You still wouldn't do it.
Every College and University in the United States endorsed and told you to vote for Hillary. You still wouldn't do it.
Hillary had 30+ years of government experience. You still wouldn't vote for her.
Trump never spent a single day (in his entire life) in a government position. Yet you still couldn't wait to vote for him.
The Deep state needed to understand what the hell was going on. They needed to spy. And they did spy. They did conspire. They came up with the make believe Fake Russia Hoax and everyone played along.
They spent two years, and $25,000,000.00, trying to make the hoax into something real. But they just couldn't do it.
Now the gig is up and it is time for people to go to Jail. Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Rice, Lynch, Strozak, McCabe.......Start slapping on the handcuffs.
A coup against the President of The United States is a big no no.
Dress them up in their orange jump suits and lets get this show going.
I am going to enjoy this.


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