Friday, July 12, 2019

Billionaire Camp....

Were you invited to the Billionaire Camp?
You weren't?
That is because you don't have a billion dollars.
The people who do have a billion dollars are all meeting right now in Sun Valley. You aren't supposed to know about that though.
It is a who's who of the global elite. The best of the best. They fly in in their private planes. They park all the private planes next to each other. Then they wine and dine and chit chat. Mostly about how they have all the money and how you have none of the money. That cracks them up every time. They giggle and giggle. It is great fun.
The important thing to know is they are all there and you are not there. And you are not welcome to be there. Because you are not as good as them. Anyone with as little money as you have can't possibly have anything of value to offer them.
They don't want to look at you. They don't want to hang out with you. They don't want to eat with you. They are just happy you are not there.
Next year when they convene again you still won't be welcome there. That is because you still won't have a billion dollars. You are a failure and they have no time for failures.
Now go away so they can enjoy their caviar in peace.


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