Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Still No Vote On Impeachment.......Can't Do It.....

No vote on Impeachment......
Why not?
Because the congress just had a two week recess where Democrats went home and got an earful from their constituents.
There are 30+ members in the house who won in districts Trump won. Those voters do not want their president removed based on complete bullsh*t. None of those Democrat members want to put their name on a vote to try and get rid of Trump. If a vote happened they would have to vote no. Pelosi can't have that.
Congress has already voted to impeach Trump twice and both votes failed. If it failed a third time this hoax would be over. The hoax must go on. And on. And on. And on. The only way that can happen is if they never hold a vote.
If they did pass an official impeachment then the President gets rights. He would have his lawyers in the proceedings. He could subpoena witnesses. He could mount a defense. Pelosi can't have that either.
Today the make believe Impeachment is behind closed doors. You get to see none of it. You only hear what the Democrats leak out to their fake news buddies. Is Democracy supposed to be carried out behind closed doors? That is what happens in China. We are supposed to be better then that but this is what you get when you put corrupt Democrats in charge.
Without a vote Pelosi gets the best of all worlds. The word Impeachment remains a bold headline for the next year. It is a shadow hanging over the president and pelosi never has to actually accomplish anything.
Can you investigate one phone call endlessly. Watch them.


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