Friday, December 20, 2019

Nancy Might Not Send Impeachment To Senate.......

She won't send Impeachment to the Senate.......
If she sends Impeachment to the Senate then Trump gets acquitted and that is the end.
Nancy cannot have that.
It can NEVER be the end.
Impeachment is all the Democrats have. There is nothing else.
If Impeachment goes away what are the Democrats going to talk about? They have NOTHING to talk about.
Will they talk about how Trump presides over the lowest unemployment in 50 years?
Will they talk about how Trump presides over the lowest African American unemployment ever in all of history?
Will they talk about how Trump presides over the lowest Hispanic unemployment ever in all of history?
Will they talk how Trump presides over the lowest female unemployment in 70 years?
Will they talk about how Trump presides over the most people working in the United States (today) than at any point in all of history?
Will they talk about how when Trump became President ISIS was raging across the middle east and today ISIS has been wiped out. Do they want to talk about that?
Do they want to talk about how Democrats predicted Trump would wage wars all over the world and the exact opposite has actually happened?
Do they want to talk about their prediction that if Trump removes Troops from Syria Genocide would take place......Yet that hasn't happened.
Do they want to discuss Trump bringing our Troops home from Afghanistan?
Do they want to talk about how North Korea is no longer testing Nuclear Weapons.
Do they want to talk about their predictions that Tariffs would destroy the economy when the opposite has actually happened?
Do they want to talk about how Obama said he would renegotiate NAFTA and then spent 8 years not doing it. Trump got it done in two years.
Do they want to talk about the highest stock market ever in history breaking record after record after record after record. Is that what they want to talk about?
The Dow going up 30% in 3 years. 10,000 points. Is that what the Democrats want to bring to your attention?
The Democrats have to keep Impeachment alive because they have NOTHING else to offer you. NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!
So Pelosi will keep Impeachment in her desk drawer so it stays alive forever. That is considered fair?
Trump never gets a day in court? Is that how our system of justice works? It is when Democrats are in charge.
Trump doesn't get to face his accuser......The whistle blower.
Trump doesn't get the presumption of innocents. Pelosi already said he is guilty.
Trump doesn't get his day in court.
And with that the Democrats think they have a chance with the American people next November?
Good luck Nancy.
Don't lose track of that gavel. You will be handing it over real soon.


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