Wednesday, March 18, 2020

The China Virus....Deal With it.

There is nothing to defend.
The virus started in China. So it is the China virus.
The Ebola Virus was discovered next to the Ebola river. So that is what it was called. Ebola.
The Zika Virus was named after the Ziika forest in Uganda.....Where it was found.
Lyme Disease is named after Lyme Connecticut..... where it was found.
That is how these things work. That is how these things have always worked. There is nothing racist about any of it. There is nothing to defend.
Just because China is sensitive...... and the Fake US news panders to their Communist Sensitivities doesn't make this any more of an issue.
Trump calls it the China virus and he should keep right on calling it that. If the Communists get upset that is their problem. We have enough of our own problems. Problems that the Communists have sent our way.
Lets stay focused.


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