Thursday, April 30, 2020

Protecting The Food Supply......

Trump is NOT treating them as disposable.
Trump IS treating them as ESSENTIAL.
The food supply of the United States MUST be maintained.
People get very upset when they walk into the grocery store and all the shelves are empty.
I know....I saw it.
When this happens at every grocery store (in every state) it becomes a panic.
No chicken......No meat.......No pork........It is a problem.
Do meat packers want to go to work? No.
Is it dangerous? Yes.
But the same is true for ER doctors.
The same is true for Grocery store employees.
The same is true for GM workers making ventilators.
Essential workers need to go to work. That is the deal.
If you don't want to go to work then quit.
There is 23 million unemployed people right now. Somebody will do it.
The fake news should stop fanning the flames with their made up bullsh*t story lines.
When Trump didn't use the defense production act the Fake news yelled and screamed.
When Trump does use the defense production act the Fake news yells and screams.
They are beyond despicable with their nonsense.


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