Monday, May 11, 2020

Michael Flynns Original Law firm Trying To Hide Their Corruption.....

What the fake news tells you is that Michael Flynn plead guilty.
He plead guilty.
He totally plead guilty..........
But the fake news leaves out the important details of why he plead guilty.
Michael Flynns original law firm was Covington and Burling.
This law firm is partly owned by Barack Obamas (corrupt) former Attorney General Eric Holder.
It is also partly owned by former Director of Homeland Security (Deep State) Michael Chertoff.
The FBI attack on Michael Flynn drained all his money.
He eventually had to sell his home to pay his legal bills.
The FBI then threatened to go after his son if Flynn refused to make a deal.
Flynns law firm advised him to plead guilty.
He took that terrible (corrupt) advise and Plead guilty.
At some point Flynn realized his law firm was part of the problem........ and he fired them.
Then he hired Sidney Powell. She is a pit bull who ripped the fraudulent case to pieces.
She exposed the FBI corruption.
She exposed the Obama administration corruption.
Now she is going after the Terrible (Obama tainted) law firm that gave the awful advise.
Powell wants the Covington law firm to do a search of its servers for any mention of Michael Flynn in Discussions by Eric Holder or Michael Chertoff.
Covington Law firm is bellyaching that this is too much of a request.
They know if they do that search they will get lots of hits as the insiders railroaded Flynn.
Meanwhile the fake news will not tell you any of these details concerning the case.
But I will.
“To accept successor counsel’s interpretation would require Covington to conduct a massive sweep of its servers for every document and communication pertaining to the firm’s representation of Mr. Flynn, extending to every instance where any firm lawyer made any comment about the firm’s high-profile representation of Mr. Flynn,” the former defense lawyers at the firm, including Covington partner Robert Kelner, said in the new filing. “That would be a disproportionately burdensome e-discovery process of great scale and duration.”
Powell contested the claim that she was asking the firm to conduct an overly broad search for Flynn records. Powell, a former federal prosecutor known more recently for railing against the Russia investigation on Fox News, said she wanted the firm’s search to include the telephone records “specifically” of two high-profile Covington lawyers: former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder Jr., who led the Justice Department under the Obama administration, and Michael Chertoff, a former secretary of homeland security. Neither lawyer represented Flynn.
Flynn’s months-long campaign has featured accusations of prosecutorial misconduct and claims that Covington provided him with ineffective counsel.


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