Sunday, September 27, 2020

The Problem With Democrats....

 The problem with the Democrats is they can't win with the current set of rules.

The White House is Republican. The Senate is Republican. The Supreme Court is Republican.
Their solution......
Change the rules.
If you can't win with the Electoral College, then get rid of the electoral college.
If you can't win with 9 members on the Supreme court, then pack it with 15 members.
If you can't win with in person voting, then change it to mail in voting.
If you can't win with 100 Senators, then just add DC and Puerto Rico so there are 4 more Democrat Senators.
The fake news likes to point at Donald Trump and say he is a threat to our Republic.
The real threat is the group that wants to Defund the police, tear down the statues, rewrite our history, throw out the electoral college, Pack the Supreme Court , change the voting process.
This same group has already tried removing the dually elected president with their make-believe impeachment and endless witch hunt investigations.
They did that with just 50% control of the Congress.
Imagine the damage they could do if they got any more power.
But it is Trump that is the threat.
OK fake news.......If you say so.


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