Wednesday, September 16, 2020

The Burn Pits.....

 Jon Stewart doing what Congress has failed to do.

Standing up for those who served our country and were then kicked to the curb.
The US military (with a yearly budget of 686 BILLION dollars) can do many things.
If you have a structure that needs to be blown up........They are experts.
If you have living things, that you want to make into dead things.........They are experts.
But when it comes to protecting US troops, they are horrible.
They were horrible after Vietnam and Agent Orange.
They were horrible after the first Iraq war, with Gulf War Syndrome.
Now we have the burn pits.
686 Billion dollars and the best idea they could come up with (to get rid of garbage at military bases in Iraq and Afghanistan) is to dig a gigantic hole, put all the garbage in the hole, dump aviation fuel on top of the pile, and light it all on fire.
The soldiers who lived at these bases breathed in this toxic smoke 24 hour a day 7 days a week.
Then they got cancer.
Then many of them died.
The US government shrugged and said they are on their own.
That is what they always say.
Luckily, Jon Stewart is doing his part. He should be commended.
Everyone should watch this video.


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