Thursday, October 8, 2020

Crazy Nancy And The 25th Amendment.......

 The 25th amendment....(AGAIN).

The latest desperate (pathetic) attempt to get rid of trump.

But I am confused.

I thought in one-month Joe Biden was winning the election?

I thought all the polls have Biden leading by 785,000,000 points?

See.....If that was true.......and Bidens was totally going to win (he is not really) why would crazy Nancy be saying such things?

Because Nancy knows what everyone should know......Joe Biden is about to get the ass kicking of a lifetime...... Clear across the electoral map.  

There is no other reason Nancy would be on her latest failed scheme to remove Trump.

She can Impeach him.....And she did.  She can invoke the 25th amendment.....And she might.  What she (and her party) can't do is win a fair election.  She is painfully aware of this.

Now.......On with the distractions.......


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