Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Media 92% Negative on Trump 66% Positive on Biden.

 If Trump wins reelection you will not be able to blame the Fake News.

The fake news has done everything they can to get you to HATE Trump.
The fake news has done everything they can to get you to like Creepy Joe.
It is not easy to take a 47 year record of failure (from a candidate hiding in his basement) and somehow still make it positive 66% of the time.
But the fake news has done a fine job.
Did Biden vote for the terrible Iraq war? Yes he did.
Did Biden vote for the terrible 1994 crime bill. Yes he did.
Did Biden vote for EVERY terrible free trade agreement ever? Yes he did.
Did Biden vote to BAN gay marriage? Yes he did.
Did Biden vote to not allow gays in the military? Yes he did.
Did rich people get richer (Under Biden) and poor people get poorer. Yes they did.
Did Biden put kids in cages. Biden built the cages.
Did Biden sexually assault an intern. You bet he did.
Did Biden bury himself (and his family) in corruption from foreign countries? Absolutely. He is drowning in corruption.
Go right down the line.......... Terrible....terrible...Terrible....followed by more terrible.
Yet with some sleight of hand and the right amount of misdirection the fake news is still able to come through.


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