Monday, November 23, 2020

5G Towers.......

 The definitive answer is they DON'T know.

If you question it you are a kook, a freak, a conspiracy theorist.
But when you read their "Definitive" answer it is that they have no idea.
It hasn't been tested.
Nobody really knows anything.
They will flip the switch and we will all see what happens.
Their DEFINITIVE answer........
According to the American Cancer Society, there isn't yet enough scientific evidence to suggest the radio frequency waves emitted from cell phone towers are harmful, with the caveat that we need more research to determine full safety:
Translation.........They don't know.
At this time, there’s no strong evidence that exposure to RF waves from cell phone towers causes any noticeable health effects. HOWEVER, this does not mean that the RF waves from cell phone towers have been proven to be absolutely safe. Most expert organizations agree that more research is needed to help clarify this, especially for any possible long-term effects.
Translation.........They don't know.
In the old days they would have tested it first to find out if it is safe before they expose the entire planet.
But today nobody has patience for that. So F*ck it.
Check back in 10 years and we will know more after they test it out on you and your family. Good luck.


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