Sunday, November 22, 2020

The Magic Bullet.......JFK


The Magic Bullet.

If Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone the Warren Commission needed to explain 7 bullet holes with only one bullet.

The official story was 3 shots were fired from the Book Depository.

It is physically impossible to fire 4 shots in the amount of time they were fired (proven by the zapruder film) using a Mannlichter Carcano Rifle.

They know one bullet missed the motorcade entirely because a bystander was injured by a piece of curbstone which was hit by the missed bullet.

One bullet hit JFK in the head.

That leaves one bullet to be responsible for 7 injuries on two different people.  That bullet was found by a nurse on a gurney at Parkland Hospital and was in pristine condition.

This was the magic bullet. 

If it is to be believed…….

The bullet was fired from the 6th floor window of the Texas School Book Depository.  It hit JFK on the right side of his back.

It traveled through his body (and to the left) exiting out JFK’s throat. 

It then entered the back of the Texas governor sitting in front of JFK.  It broke a rib and exited out of Governors chest.  It then entered into the governors wrist and traveled down (breaking another bone) and existing out his arm.  It then embedded itself in the Governors leg.

Voila…….7 wounds……One bullet…….Oswald did it…….He is now dead.  Case closed.  Moving on.

When a bullet hits bone it deforms.  This bullet hit two bones and did not deform.  Can you explain that? 

Don’t feel bad………Neither can anyone else.

There were bullet fragments left in the governor’s arm.  If the fragments in his arm…….. do not match the pristine bullet……… then you now have two shooters and a conspiracy.

Upon the governors death they wanted to remove the remaining fragments from Governor Connolly’s arm but the governor’s wife refused.

Oh well…..


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