Monday, December 14, 2020


 Ivermectin - A Cure For Covid 19?

Have you ever heard of it?
Of course not.
You have not heard of this medicine because the fake news will not tell you about it.
This should be a big story.......
A medical doctor telling Congress about incredibly positive news.
Instead the fake news says nothing.
Curing Covid 19 with a drug that already exists is not good for business.
That cannot happen.
That will not be allowed to happen.
In order for pharmaceutical companies to make Hundreds of Billions of (tax payer) dollars everybody must take their new vaccine.
The way they convince you to do that is thru fear.
Fear is how things get done.
When they tell you a mushroom cloud could be on the horizon if we don't go to war with Iraq. You support war with Iraq. Trillions are made. It is good business.
That is how they sell all their bullsh*t.
You could die if you don't do this.
Your loved ones could die.
Your friends could die.
You have no choice. You must do it. Humanity is counting on you.
The fact that these companies will make absurd amounts of taxpayer money is just a side effect.
But........If there was a drug that already exists. That is highly effective. That would solve the problem.......... But the pharmaceutical companies would not make as much money.
Well.....That would need to be silenced.
And it has been silenced.
You have never heard of this drug. That tells you everything you need to know.
You should watch this 10-minute video and then ask yourself why you have never heard of this before.
The answer is $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
The answer is ALWAYS $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
They make money when you are scared.
The more scared you are the more money they make.
Take away your freedom (Lock downs).
Separate you from your loved ones.
Separate you from your friends.
Then offer a solution.
Just roll up your sleeve and it could all get better.
Watch the video.


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