Friday, January 29, 2021

Robinhood and Game Stop...Steal From The Poor And Give To The Rich.


Silcon Valley Oligarchs continue their ASSAULT on Free Speech.
The game is rigged.
First they rigged it.
Then they prevent you from discussing it.
If you want to be able to speak freely you are living in the wrong country.
See…..Cenosring Trump was just the beginning.
If they can do it to the President of The United States what chance do you have?
Are you following this story?
It is still unfolding and if you are not following along you are missing out.
In a nutshell……..
Wall Street Hedge funds placed bets that the video game Store “Game Stop” stock would go down.
Everyday investors in Reddit chatrooms got together and decided to all buy the stock.
The price went up costing the heddge funds Billions.
The app used to make the trades is called Robinhood. (Steal from the rich and give to the poor….except here it is reversed)
Robinhood which is has financial connections to the hedge funds closed down trading on Game Stop.
You could not buy Game Stop stock yesterday. You could only sell it.
This screwed the little guy and rigged the system for the fat cat.
People went crazy. People went on the app store and wrote 100,000 NEGATIVE reviews of the Robinhood app.
Google went in and removed all the negative reviews.
You are not allowed to buy the stock.
You are not allowed to tell people you are mad about not being able to buy the stock.
You are allowed to shut your mouth and go away.


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