Friday, January 1, 2021

The UK Virus.........OK to Say.......

 The UK Virus.........

You are allowed to say that.
Nobody will yell at you. Nobody will pretend to be outraged.
Why would they be? It comes from the UK.
Just like Covid came from Communist Red China.
But if you call it "The China virus" people will go crazy. They will yell and scream and carry on.
Fake news personalities will have long diatribes about how that is offensive.
You must always walk on eggshells to never offend the Communist Chinese.
If you want to offend the United Kingdom you go right ahead.
Nobody gives a sh*t about them.
Walmart shelves are not filled with products from the UK.
But Communist China is super important.
Even when their reckless disregard affects every man, women, and child on planet Earth you must still always work hard to never offend them.
That is how that works. In case you didn't know.


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