Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Building 7

 Building 7

The World Trade Center

The North Tower was hit by a plane, and the North tower collapsed.....OK fine.

The South Tower was hit by a plane, and that building collapsed too......Ok fine.

Building 7 (The Solomon Brothers Building) was never hit by a plane, but that building also collapsed.......Wait, what?

The BBC on live TV reported that the building had collapsed....... 20 minutes before it actually collapsed.  


How do you report something has happened that hasn't happened yet?

Watch the video.........

The BBC reporter is reporting that the Solomon building has collapsed, as the Solomon building is standing in the frame over her shoulder.

Can you explain this?  

Don't worry about it.......Neither can anyone else.  

Yet it happened.

And that is how Conspiracy Theories begin.

Whacked out sh*t occurs, and people start asking questions.


Was there anything suspicious going on in Building 7? 

What was in Building 7? 

Well.....The CIA had offices in Building 7.

Secret offices.......

What was the CIA doing in building 7?  

None of your business.

How dare you even ask.


So what was the official explanation for why building 7 collapsed.  


An uncontrolled fire burning for 7 hours. 

The only problem is (up until 2001) no skyscraper had ever collapsed just because of a fire.

Buildings are designed to withstand fire.

NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) investigated the building 7 collapse and determined one support beam failed.  

That one beam failing started a cascade of failures which brought down the entire 47 story building.

The only problem is many experts said there is no way that building collapsed, in the manner that it did, from one support beam failure.

The building came down uniformly as if it was imploded.

Many in the scientific community ( Engineers and architects ) disagreed with the official findings.......And said so. 

Some were smeared and fired.  

Dissent is not allowed.  

Questions are not allowed.  

The thing is building are hard to bring down.  They are designed to stay up.  Yet this one fell straight down.

21 years have passed since 9/11 but there are still many questions about what really happened to building 7, and why.  

Nobody is working all that hard to answer any of those questions.


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