Monday, January 9, 2023

Church Committee Hearings......

 In the 1970's there were the Church Committee hearings.

Senator Frank Church wanted to know what was going on in the US Intelligence Agencies.

JFK took a bullet to the skull.  Lone gunman nothing to see there.

RFK took a bullet to the skull.  Lone gunman nothing to see there.

Martin Luther King was shot dead.  Lone gunman nothing to see there.

The folks who broke into the Watergate (which ended a presidency) were all "former" CIA.

It was clear US Intelligence agencies were up to no good (on a colossal scale) and it was time to shine a spotlight.

What Frank uncovered was that the US News Media was controlled by the CIA.  Operation Mockingbird.

The CIA had a mind control operation.  Operation MK Ultra.

The CIA could kill people and make it look like a heart attack.  

Lots of people around the JFK assassination were dying of "Heart attacks" and the CIA admitted they had a gun that fired poisonous ice darts.  

The ice went through the skin.  The ice melted.  The poison killed you.  It looked just like a heart attack.  The only evidence was a red dot that nobody would even notice.

The CIA director who acknowledged these programs (William Colby) died a few years later of a "Suicide".

The CIA does not appreciate you finding out all the horrible things they are able to do.

They prefer you just mind your business.

Colby's replacement was George HW Bush.  Supposedly an outsider who was brought in the clean up the CIA.  In reality Mr. Bush was in the CIA for decades.  He was part of the problem.  Not the solution.


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