Thursday, March 11, 2010

More of the same from Obama

Free Trade has led American to the worst economic conditions since the Great Depression. So what is Obamas grand plan ......even more Free Trade.... Yay lets keep doing what got us to this horrible position.

When you are speeding towards a brick wall Obamas solution is to step harder on the gas. Yeah that will work.

"new trade agreements would be a tough sell among Americans stung by the recession. The president will also have to overcome opposition from labor unions (who's members will soon be unemployed) and some Democrats in Congress (who are all up for reelection and will be run out of town by an angry mob of unemployed voters)."

I wasn't sure at first by everyday I am more and more convinced Obama is an idiot. Just like his predecessor was an idiot. Just like the guy before his predecessor was an idiot. Just like the guy before that was an idiot too. The more the names change the more everything is exactly the same.


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