Friday, June 4, 2010

Microsoft and China - They deserve each other.

Microsoft still pulling their pants down for the Communist Chinese. Still.... After endless hacking. After endless bad press because security flaws..... Microsoft is still doing it.

Let the hacking of Windows 7 begin.

Then after they go and share all their secrets with the Communists then Steve Ballmer complains the same Chinese are pirating the sh*t out of their software.

It is the Chinese fault..... We went over and handed them our product and now they pirate it. The nerve of them.

According to Ballmer because China pirates their software that is why there are no US jobs....... That is why there is no US exports......

Steve Ballmer is an azz........ I can't think of a much bigger azz. I am glad the Chinese pirate their software. I hope they keep right on doing it.

Microsoft deserves what it gets.


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