Thursday, May 1, 2014

Highways Tolls Are On Their Way.....Get Ready.

It is a free country…
Unless you get on the highway. Then you better bring your wallet because Obama wants more of your money.
He is concerned the highways are falling apart and the government isn’t collecting enough money to fix them. Even though his 800 billion dollar stimulus was supposed to repair crumbling infrastructure (and create jobs) it actually did neither.
What is the problem?
Well A decade ago when oil companies decided to move the price from $1.28 to $3.70, this caused everyone to trade in their gas guzzling SUV.
The result is the country is using less gas and the .18 Federal gas tax is no longer covering all the road work .
The oil companies still made out fine though. Please don't lose sleep over them. If they sell 20 gallons @ $1.28 =$25.60. Or they sell 10 gallons at $3.70 =$37.00. Great deal for them. They sell less product and get more money. Awesome!
Instead of Obama closing the tax loophole on oil company's (and retrieving the lost revenue that way) he would prefer you pay the difference.
So every time you get on the highway get ready.
And......When the 18 wheeler carrying your groceries (to the super market) has to pass through a toll booth 17 times on it’s way across the country........ guess where that cost is going to be passed along to too.


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