Friday, April 17, 2015

GM Off The Hook....

GM Is not responsible for their sh*tty cars made before their 2009 bankruptcy.
See those cars were made by “Old GM”……… Today’s cars are made by “New GM”…….. Same factories. Same name plates. Same shady executives. But we are to believe it is a completely different company. At least when it comes to lawsuits.
When old GM made ignition switches that accidently turned your car off (if you had too many keys on your key ring) causing the steering wheel to lock up…….. and the car to careen off the road and into the oak tree……… Well that is sad and unfortunate but the New GM is not responsible for that. Not responsible even though the “New GM” issued a recall to fix the problem. But….. according to the bankruptcy judge they cannot be sued because it is now a completely different company. Sure it is…….
Bankruptcy has worked out great for GM. They unloaded their debt. They unloaded their retiree obligations. They got billions of your tax dollars. And now they are not responsible for their deadly cars. The deadly cars which they covered up and hid from you.
In 2004 when GM stopped producing Oldsmobile they had a hard time finding buyers for the remaining stock. Nobody wanted to buy a car from a car company that was going away. So GM ran commercials taughting that Oldsmobile was backed by GM. This was supposed to breed confidence that GM is a rock solid company who had your back. That Rock solid company was bankrupt 6 years later and now they are no longer backing anything. Oldsmobile, Pontiac, Buick, Chevy…You name it and if it was made before 2009 they no longer have to care. Great deal for them.
In 2005 the Republicans in Congress passed bankruptcy reform. The reform made it a lot harder for you (the individual) to run up debt and just walk away in bankruptcy. Republicans felt you needed to be more responsible. Republicans felt that you needed to be more accountable. But as we see corporations don’t need to be responsible or accountable. They can do whatever they want and simply brush their hands and walk away.
The good news is the “New GM” just reported fantastic profits. Profit is up 91% from just one year ago. They are going to share that profit with their investors. How nice.
That profit will go even higher now that they don’t need to pay for all the people they have killed. But please don’t let their celebrating distract you from mourning your loved one….. The ones who careened into the Oak tree. You do your thing.


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