Friday, May 8, 2015

Fracking Chemicals In Drinking Water.....

Fracking chemicals found in peoples drinking water in Pennsylvania. WHAT…..I don’t believe that. There is no way.
Remember when Exxon advertised this couldn’t happen (to drinking water) because they know how to do this safely? Yeah…… I remember that too. It is almost like they lied. It is time for a follow up commercial.
“The nearby gas wells, which were established in 2009, were constructed with a protective intermediate casing of steel and cement from the surface down to almost 1,000 feet. But the wells below that depth lacked the protective casing, and were potentially at greater risk of leaking their contents into the surrounding rock layers,”
Exxon left that part out of their commercial……..
But don’t worry the chemicals are only in very small amounts. There is nothing to worry about. I mean Sure these same chemicals disintegrate layers of rock……… but in your belly it is like a health food. Drink up and enjoy.
For the record this is the same Pennsylvania they recently found a fish with a Giant tumor. Looks delicious.
Where is Sarah Palin when you need her. She loves fishing. She also loves oil drilling. They should invite her over for a nice Pennsylvania Fish dinner. YUM! Sit down Sarah I have a fish I think you are going to really enjoy.
This fish was caught on the Susquehanna river. That is the name of the town in Pennsylvania where the residents complain about Fracking and how the Fracking workers don’t give a sh*t….Also nobody in the town is making any money off all the drilling……. and lots of people are getting cancer. Sounds awesome!


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