Sunday, June 7, 2015

Warren Buffetts Pretend Charity.....

More pretend charity from rich people.
Warren Buffett has $70,000,000,000.00 and here he is pretending to raise money for charity. The whole thing is laughable.
How does a man with 70 billion dollars raise money? Well he goes to a fancy NYC restaurant and orders a fancy steak dinner and then he eats it. It is real hard work but he is willing to make the sacrifice.
He does this while sharing a table with another really rich guy. When the dinner is over he takes 2.3 million bucks from the other guy and gives that money to charity. Not his money. His money stays in his bank account. The other guys money goes to help people in poverty. Wow what a sacrifice. Warren should be commended.
Warren Buffett owns Berkshire Hathaway. Berkshire Hathaway owns many, many, many, many, many companies.
If Warren really wanted to help people in poverty he could just go give people jobs. He could give people training and advice.
Instead of having dinner with another already rich guy why doesn’t he have dinner with some actual poor people. Poor people who could truely use his advise.
If Warren really wanted this to be fair he shouldn’t have an auction, where only rich people can win. If you can afford 2.3 million bucks for a 2 hour lunch you really don’t need any of Warrens advise. You are already doing just fine.
Yes if Warren really wanted to make this fair he would have a raffle. He would sell 2.3 million tickets at $1.00 each and give everyone a chance to eat fancy steak in NYC.
Of course he doesn’t do that because he doesn’t want to spend 2 hours with real poor people. Real poor people are gross. Better to eat fancy steak with other rich people and pretend there is some real charity going on there.
Way to go Warren.


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