Sunday, July 5, 2015

F-35 Can't Dogfight......

F-35 Update….

Recap –The F-35 is the future of US Air power.  It will be used to replace every fighter  in the US military. 
The US Air Force will depend on it. 
The US NAVY will depend on it. 
The US Marines will depend on it. 

It is the most expensive weapons program in history.  It is currently 8 years behind schedule and hundreds of billions of dollars over budget.  All the military eggs are in the F-35 basket and there is no plan B.  The Chinese have already hacked in and stolen most of the designs.  The good news is most of the plane doesn’t work so the joke is really on them.  Suckers.

The military conducted a dog fight with the F-35 vs the F-16.  The F-16 is 40 year old technology.  The F-35 is the future of air superiority.  They put no weapons on the f-35.  Bombs add extra weight and might inhibit the F-35’s ability to impress.  They added two extra fuel tanks to the F-16 to try and inhibit it from embarrassing the shiny new F-35. 

The end result is the F-35 got completely smoked by the F-16’s.  It was a total embarrassment.  The futuristic helmet (that was designed to give the F-35 pilot the ability to see all around the plane) is so big and cumbersome the pilot could not turn his head and see behind him.  The test pilots were completely unimpressed.

After the embarrassment they defended the F-35 by saying it is not designed for close in combat.  A fighter plane that cannot dog fight.  That is a new one on me……

Why have a helmet to see around the plane if the plane is not designed to to be in a dogfight?  The military might as well just buy a bunch of 737’s and fly those around.  Those aren’t meant to dog fight either.

The future of US Air superiority is now in officially in doubt.  That is good news for Putin taking over the Ukraine.  It is good news for China building new islands in the South China Sea.  It is good news for Syria using Chemical Weapons, and ISIS taking over Iraq, and Iran building Nuclear Weapons, and North Korea saber rattling. 

You don’t need to worry about any of that though.  You should be more concerned with how you and your kids and your grandkids will be paying for the F-35. 


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