Friday, October 27, 2017

JFK Released Files....

Lets look at what they did release.
We were told there is zero evidence of a conspiracy and the secret files needed to be hidden away because they jeopardize US National Security.
So now that they released some of the files we can determine if that was true.
Lets check..... shall we.
On the official record the story goes Jack Ruby just happened to be walking by the Dallas police station (on his way to Western Union) and saw the commotion happening at the police station where Oswalds transfer to the county jail was about to happen.
Ruby walked right inside the police station (down a ramp to the basement), even though there were police guarding every entrance with instructions not to let anyone inside.
Ruby went inside anyway and was so overcome with emotion he pulled out his gun and shot Oswald.
It was a spur of the moment decision and that was that. Case closed
In the released documents we find out that the FBI received a call the night before where someone announced (in a calm voice) that Oswald would be murdered.
The FBI called the Dallas police station where they reassured the FBI that Oswald would be well protected.
24 hours later Oswald was dead.
Now does this information have any bearing on US National Security? NO!
Is this information evidence that there was a conspiracy, and the act of killing Oswald wasn’t just a spur of the moment spontaneous emotional reaction? Yes.....yes it is. Which is why it was hidden away for 54 years.
An hour after Oswald was murdered the documents quote FBI director J Edgar Hoover saying “The thing I am concerned about is having something issued so we can convince the public that Oswald is the real assassin.”
Why does he need to convince the American people he is the "real" assassin?
This is two days after the murder of the president.
Nothing has been investigated yet. There was no trial. There would never be a trial. Why do the American people need to be convinced of anything? Why isn’t the truth the most important thing?
Did they know in just two days (before anything was investigated) that Oswald was indeed the guy? The only guy? There was nobody else and the case was closed 48 hours later?
Why does this quote need to be hidden from the public for 54 years?
Does this quote affect US National Security? No!
Does this quote help the narrative that Oswald acted alone and that is it? No….No it doesn’t help that at all. Which is why it was hidden away for 54 years.
These are just two of the things that came out yesterday.
Imagine what is in the stuff they are still hiding.


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