Sunday, October 22, 2017

Releasing The JFK Files....How We Got Here......

How did we arrive at this point in history.
After the warren report was released in 1964 Lyndon Johnson sealed the JFK files for 75 years.
In 2039 (when everyone in 1964 involved with the murder was dead) the truth could come out.
The American people were angry about the sealed files.
In 1992 there was renewed interest in the JFK assassination.
In 1991 plausible denial was published. In 1992 Oliver stones JFK was in theaters.
Once again the American people where asking who really killed the president?
Congress held new hearings (in 1992) and as a result the JFK records review board was passed.
This new law stated all sealed JFK files needed to be released to the public within 25 years.
2017 not 2039.
George Herbert Walker Bush signed the law on Oct 26th 1992. + 25 years = Oct 26, 2017.
In 1992 George HW Bush figured the president in 2017 would still be controlled by the deep state and would simply continue kicking the can down the road.
He didn't figure the Trump rebellion would have occurred.
George HW Bush was in the CIA.
The official record shows George HW Bush joining the CIA (as director) in 1976.
The official record is a lie.
The evidence shows George HW Bush was actually in the CIA going back as far as 1961 (If not earlier)
That means when the CIA was murdering the president in 1963 George HW Bush was at the agency.
Behind the scenes (today) the CIA is desperately trying to persuade Trump to not release all the files.
That is the same CIA also trying to convince the American people that Trump is a Russian spy.
Good luck with that CIA.


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