Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Obama Protecting Hezbollah.....

Hezbollah - A terrorist organization.
Supported by Iran.
Also supported by Barack Obama.
Hezbollah - Responsible for the murder of 241 United States marines in 1983.
Hezbollah- responsible for supporting, and fighting to support the brutal murdering dictatorship of Assad in Syria.
Hezbollah- responsible for funnelling weapons from Vladamire Putin into Syria.
Hezbollah- Responsible for trafficking a billion dollars worth of Cocaine into the United states.
Hezbollah- Responsible for international money laundering and other organized crime type activities.
Project Cassandra was to track and stop Hezbollah.
Barack Obama stopped ....impeded.....and prevented.....Project Cassandra from suceeding.
Obama didn't want stopping Hezbollah to affect his terrible Iran nuclear deal. Let someone else take on the terrorists.
This article is very long but worth reading to understand how Obama, and his corrupt justice department, prevented a terrorist group from being stopped.
It is shameful.


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