Friday, October 12, 2018

European Union Murdering Journalists....

The European Union murdering journalists who report on their corruption.
Not just Murder…… but rape and murder.
Beaten to the point of being unrecognizable. They really want to send the message to back off.
This is the 4 th journalist silenced.
This is what happens at the highest levels of world power. Murder!
When people hear Putin kills his critics that is readily accepted. Of course he does.
But he is not the only one silencing critics. There is plenty of murder to go around.
The bodies are every where.
It is just nobody wants to talk too much about that because the consequences can be harsh.
When Britain announced they were leaving the European union the globalists were all shocked. Why would anyone want to leave the globalist Eurpoean Union.
Because it is totally corrupt. That is why.


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