Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Jobs Surge.....

You ever wonder why the results of the Mueller report came out in March, but here we are in May and it is still a lead story on all the fake news channels?
It is because the second the Democrats stop beating the Mueller dead horse they will have to discuss why the economy is BLAZING hot, all while they said it would be crumbling.
They can’t explain that.
Everything Trump wanted to do the Democrats were against. Trump did it anyway and the results are stellar by any measure.
The Democrats cannot tell you we should be doing the opposite of what Trump is doing.
They can’t give Trump credit for being right either. So Democrats are stuck. The only thing they can do is continue to try and distract with endless bull sh*t.
They are hoping you will be mesmerized by their bull sh*t and not notice the endless stream of outstanding economic news.
That is why yesterday you watched Democrats eating chicken on the floor of the US House Of Representatives. They have nothing else to offer you. So they give you the circus. Focus on the circus…….. and don’t notice actual reality.
If they had any confidence in any of their 20+ Democratic candidates for President they would simply let the Mueller Hoax die.
They would be confident their candidates will drive Trump from office in 18 months. But they know (as you know) they have nothing to offer you and won’t be winning in 2020.
So the Mueller Circus (even though it ended in March) will go on and on and on just as I predicted.
Meanwhile Unemployment is at a 49 year low. Wages are rising. Consumer confidence is increasing. Everywhere you look is good news.
That is a HUGE problem for the desperate Democrats and the Fake News Media.
Enjoy their circus. It is all for you.


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