Friday, May 15, 2020

Biden Getting Crushed On The Internet......

Biden getting crushed on the Internet.

Mr. Biden has just 32,000 subscribers on Youtube.

300,000 fewer than President Trump

The videos that Mr. Biden posts — these days, mostly repurposed campaign ads and TV-style interviews filmed from the makeshift studio in his basement — rarely crack 10,000 views. 

“This video is 2 days old and it’s sitting at 20,000 views,” one commenter wrote under a recent video of Mr. Biden’s. “This is a guy that is supposed to beat Trump?”  

(Oh he is not going to beat Trump..........)

He lacks the social media firepower of Mr. Trump, whose 106 million combined followers on Facebook and Twitter dwarf Mr. Biden’s 6.7 million

(WOW.....106 MILLION to 6.7 Million............That is an azz kicking)

Mr. Biden’s first virtual town hall last month was marred by technical problems, and some of his other digital experiments — like a soporific campaign podcast, “Here’s the Deal,” which did not rank among the top 100 podcasts on Apple Podcasts as of this week — have not gone as well  

(Biden is a train wreck)

In 2016, Mr. Trump’s surging popularity among the internet’s grass roots was a bellwether that indicated his candidacy might be stronger than it appeared in traditional polls. Conversely, Mr. Biden’s lack of support from meme makers and viral-content mavens could signal trouble ahead.

(Oh there is trouble ahead alright........This election is going to be a beat down for the ages.  This is going to be Mike Dukakis territory.  Dukakis who beat Biden in 1988......Embarrassing!)

Mr. Trump’s unfiltered, combative style is a natural fit for the hyperpolarized audiences on Facebook and Twitter, whereas Mr. Biden’s more conciliatory, healer-in-chief approach can render him invisible.

Those structural disadvantages hobbled Hillary Clinton’s 2016 social media campaign, which struggled for traction despite big budgets and her name recognition.

Rob Flaherty, the digital director for the Biden campaign, said in an interview that he considered the 2020 election a “battle for the soul of the internet,” which required not just taking shots at Mr. Trump but inspiring people to come together around Mr. Biden.  

(Mr. Flaherty......You are failing.)

Joe Rogan, a popular talk show host with an enormous YouTube following, endorsed Mr. Sanders this year. After Mr. Sanders withdrew from the race, Mr. Rogan stated that he would prefer to vote for Mr. Trump than Mr. Biden, saying of the former vice president: “The guy can barely remember what he’s talking about while he’s talking.”   (That is true)

Mr. Trump, whose rapid-fire posts routinely make him the most visible figure on each platform. In the last month, Mr. Trump’s posts got 42.6 million interactions on Facebook, including likes, comments and shares.

Mr. Biden’s Facebook posts got just 3.4 million interactions in the same time period.

In 2016, Mr. Trump benefited from the support of amateur meme makers on Reddit, Twitter and other platforms who provided his campaign with a steady stream of fresh content.

Mr. Biden has no such brain trust, and several popular left-wing content creators told me that inspirational, pro-Biden posts did not perform nearly as well on their pages as generic anti-Trump content.


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