Monday, June 1, 2020

Hydroxychloroquine......The Campaign to Discredit continues........

The Campaign to Discredit continues.
Trump supported the drug.
Trump took the drug.
So it is all hands on deck to destroy its credibility.
Last week a study was published in the Lancet stating the drug was ineffective and caused higher rate of death.
The World Health Organization (and others) cancelled its study of the drug because of the report.
But now 180 Scientists think the study is fraudulent and want to see the data.
An open letter from more than 180 scientists around the world raised concerns over what they said was inconsistent data in the report, noting that the average daily doses of hydroxychloroquine were higher than the those recommended by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
They also pointed out that data the magazine said was from Australian patients did not seem to match data from the Australian government
Another major concern was that the study’s authors did not release their code or data despite signing a pledge to share information on the coronavirus.
The report “has led many researchers around the world to scrutinize in detail the publication in question. This scrutiny has raised both methodological and data integrity concerns,” the scientists wrote, adding that they were asking the Lancet to make available the peer review process that “led to this manuscript being accepted for publication.”
“Many of us in the scientific community were just very angry at seeing a poorly written and executed study published in The Lancet, given loads of publicity, and then having a hugely negative impact on carefully planned clinical trials around the world,” said James Watson, a Thailand-based statistician with the University of Oxford’


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