Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Cuomos Immunity.....

Stellar Leadership.
After Cuomo sent all the Covid 19 patients to go live at the nursing homes.
He then quietly passed Immunity laws protecting against accountability for the terrible results.
So no matter how many people die, or how much negligence is committed.........Nobody will ever be held accountable.
Oh....... and completely unrelated news.......These same folks contributed handsomely to Cuomos political career.
Andrew Cuomo........Totally awesome leadership.
Cuomo signed legislation last month quietly shielding hospital and nursing home executives from the threat of lawsuits stemming from the coronavirus outbreak.
created one of the nation’s most explicit immunity protections for healthcare industry officials
New York is now one of just two states to shield those corporate officials from both civil lawsuits and some forms of criminal prosecution by the government
“New York is an outlier and has the most explicit and sweeping immunity language,
“It is now apparent that negligence by administrators and executives of nursing homes has occurred at an extraordinary degree,”
“[The immunity law] egregiously uses severe liability standards as a means to insulate healthcare facilities and specifically, administrators and executives of such facilities, from any civil or criminal liability for negligence.
“The reason why neglect happens in nursing homes is executives make business decisions that result in the frontline workers not having the tools – in nursing homes, the manpower – to deliver the services those workers are trained to deliver,”
“These executives choose how much staffing will be in a nursing home and they know the more staffing that they put in, the more safe the nursing home will be – but the less profits they will make,” Finkelstein said. “When you remove their liability from that choice, the net effect will be less and less staffing and more and more neglect in nursing homes, because those decision-makers will know there will be no legal consequences for the decisions they make.”
The immunity provision in Cuomo’s budget came 18 months after the GNYHA delivered $1.25m to the Cuomo-controlled New York State Democratic committee that was supporting the governor’s re-election bid.
The GNYHA donations – which were a huge increase from prior years – made the group one of the New York Democratic party’s largest contributors during Cuomo’s campaign. Three of the hospital association’s top officials separately gave more than $150,000 to Cuomo’s campaign between 2015 and 2018.


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