Friday, January 8, 2021

Nancy And The Nuclear Codes.......

 More Bullsh*t from Nancy.

In case her impeachment bullsh*t doesn't fire you up.

Don't worry...... Nancy has more bullsh*t to keep you endlessly entertained.

The.....What if Trump launches all the Nuclear weapons and ends humanity bullsh*t. 

The Fake news loves this headline.  

In 2017 when Trump arrived, they used these same bullsh*t stories to get you to be real worried about Trump.

Oh no.....What if.......

Then those bullsh*t headlines gave way to all the other bullsh*t headlines.  

Stormy Daniels.  Michael Avanati.  Michael Cohen.  Russia.....Russia....Russia.........  

But now they are dusting off the old classics.

Trump the Nuclear mad man.  

Quick leak it to the press.

Why do we call it FAKE NEWS...........

Exhibit A.


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