Saturday, May 23, 2015

A-Rod Breaking Records and Nobody Cares......

In 1998 when Mark Mcgwire and Sammy Sosa were breaking home run records not only was that the biggest story on the sports news, but it was the biggest story on all the news. It riveted the nation.
In 2015 A Rod is breaking records too. He just tied Babe Ruth (maybe you have heard of him) and is now chasing Lou Gehrig. Monumental figures in sports and not only is it completely ignored by the main stream media, but it is story # 5 on ESPN. It is currently behind Jeff Van Gundy might be coach of the Pelicans. Because lord knows people care about that.
So why do people care so little about A Rod? Because he is a cheater. Nobody likes a cheater. Nobody respects a cheater. Nobody cares about a cheater. Once you go down that road (I am looking at you New England Patriots) it is OVER!


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