Monday, May 18, 2015

The Clinton Money Machine Rolls On......

Let’s be clear about what is being reported here. This is not saying the Clintons earned 30 Million Dollars.
This is saying the Clintons have earned 30 million dollar just in the last 16 months.
How much did you earn in the last 16 months? I bet it wasn’t 30 million.
That kind of cash flow does not put the Clintons in the top 1%. The top 1% wishes they could earn 30 million dollars in 16 months. The top 1% are impoverished compared to the coin the Clintons are currently raking in. That kind of earning power puts the Clintons in the top 1/10 of the top 1%. They are the elite….The best of the best.
So the Clintons make speeches and that is somehow worth $500,000.00. How long do you think they talk for? 1 hour? 2 hours? 3 hours? What do you think they say that is worth half a million dollars? Do you think they divulge the secret to eternal youth? Do you think they give out winning lottery numbers? Why are their words so valuable?
Well….. because Hillary might be President and giving her suitcases full of cash could serve one well. It is basically a disguised campaign contribution without all the red tape.
A lot of their speeches are made to financial institutions. Financial institutions love the Clintons because Bill deregulated them in 1999. No more rules. You guys do whatever you want. Meanwhile Washington will be looking the other way.
That decision led the entire industry to doom just a few years later. That doom was followed by your tax dollars bailing them out. Financial institutions are big fans of that. Make the worlds dumbest decisions. Pocket all the profits. Then have your tax dollars bail them out. That is the good kind of welfare. The kind that goes to corporations.
Yes the industry is salivating at the thought of more Clinton deregulation. It is well worth half a million bucks.
What you don’t see is the Clintons giving speeches to poor people. Or regular people. The Clintons won’t be coming to your local high school any time soon. Poor people (and average people)are great to talk about in speeches but the Clintons are never found hanging around them. No way! Maybe for a quick picture or two but that is it. If the Clintons do hang around poor people it is only when there is a camera crew close behind. Once the cameras are put away the Clintons are gone.
What the Clintons hope is you will completely ignore the piles of cash that surround them. You are to believe the Clintons are just average ordinary people…. just like yourself. You have bills to pay and so do the Clintons.
But when you go to work at 8AM does your boss walk over at 11AM and hand you a suitcase with $500.000.00 in it? If not than you are not exactly like the Clintons ….. But don’t let that get you down because Hillary is going to fix everything. You are the only one she cares about…..Really…..That is why she is willing to sacrifice so much for her life in public service. I mean if anyone can fix income inequality it is those down to Earth Clintons.
Make sure to keep them in mind when picking your next president.


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