Thursday, February 18, 2016

Global Economy Not Working Out So Good......

They tell us we are in a Global economy.
They tell us Future sales growth will not be coming from America…….. it will be coming from the rest of the world.
They tell us it makes sense to have the jobs in the rest of the world because that is where the growth will be.
So lets see if that is true……..
Operating income in Wal-Mart's international business fell 19 percent (NOT GOOD)
115 store closures in Latin America (NOT GOOD)
tough market conditions in China (NOT GOOD), the United Kingdom (NOT GOOD) and Brazil. (NOT GOOD)
E-commerce sales rose 8 percent, excluding currency moves. A solid performance in the United States (GOOD) offset struggles in Brazil (NOT GOOD) and other international markets (NOT GOOD), the company said.
(Perhaps my glasses are dirty but I am not seeing where the “Global Economy” is really where the future growth is. Looks to me like the Global Economy is a complete fraud.)
(See this is the problem you get when half the wealth of the world resides with only 62 people. Those 62 Billionaires do not shop at Walmart….or Sears…...
So if the wealth does not get spread around….. and most of the people end up with no money…… and a hand full of people end up with all the money ……then the global economy eventually grinds to a halt. That is where we are all heading. Do you like it?)


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