Monday, September 25, 2017

NFL Kneeling....2017 is a long way from 2001.

Players in the NFL today were in elementary school when 9/11 happened.
They don't remember how the country pulled together like never before.
They don't remember going to a store to buy an american flag and not being able to get one (anywhere) because they were all sold out.
They don't remember Pat Tillman giving up his NFL career with the Arizona Cardinals and joining the US Rangers to go fight in Afghanistan. Then losing his life in service to his country.
None of that means anything to players in 2017.
Yesterday I watched a player on my 0-2 Giants score a touchdown (while the team was losing) crawl on all 4 legs across the end zone and lift his leg pretending to pee (like a dog).
That immaturity cost his team a 15 yard penalty. The team eventually lost their 3rd straight and after the player defended the behavior and said it would continue.
That thinking and behavior is a long way from Pat Tillman in 2001. It makes a lot of sense why NFL ratings are plunging.


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