Thursday, September 28, 2017

Zuckerberg Had it Right The First Time.....

Mark Zuckerberg said.......
"Personally, I think the idea that fake news on Facebook, of which it's a very small amount of the content, influenced the election in any way is a pretty crazy idea."
This was absolutely the correct thing to say.
It IS crazy to think that. You have to have a screw loose if you really believe that.
then the deep state got a hold of Mr Zuckerberg and explained that if they can make the Russia Hoax stick it will discredit the President. That could keep him preoccupied with never ending make believe scandals.
Now that Mr. Zuckerberg understands what the goal is he is very sorry he ever said that. That being the truth. Please forgive him. He is ready to play along with the hoax.
"After the election, I made a comment that I thought the idea misinformation on Facebook changed the outcome of the election was a crazy idea. Calling that crazy was dismissive and I regret it. This is too important an issue to be dismissive. But the data we have has always shown that our broader impact -- from giving people a voice to enabling candidates to communicate directly to helping millions of people vote -- played a far bigger role in this election."
"We will continue to work to build a community for all people. We will do our part to defend against nation states attempting to spread misinformation and subvert elections. We'll keep working to ensure the integrity of free and fair elections around the world, and to ensure our community is a platform for all ideas and force for good in democracy."


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