Saturday, October 28, 2017

Highlights From The JFK Files.....Keep the Evidence Hidden.

A Secret Service agent interviewed Robert C. Rawls, who was in a bar in New Orleans (New Orleans.....where Oswald used to be) a week to 10 days before Kennedy's assassination.
Rawls heard a man betting $100 that Kennedy would be dead within three weeks. He thought nothing of it until the assassination. Rawls was drunk at the time and couldn’t remember the name of the guy, what he looked like, or what specific bar it was in.
(Make sure this information gets locked away……It is a matter of US National Security)
Henry Gourley of Vancouver, British Columbia, called police in Bellingham, Wash., on Nov. 23, 1963, (Day after the assassination) to say he’d had drinks at the Hildon Hotel inn three weeks before the assassination. He heard three men talking and saying if Kennedy ever went to Dallas "he would never leave there alive." The men were on their way to Cuba. Gourley is certain that Oswald was one of the three, from a picture on TV. But one of the friends Gourley was drinking with tells FBI his "imagination runs away with him." The FBI agent decides the guy imagined it.
(Oswald + 2 other people talking about killing the president would be a conspiracy. Better lock this information away. It is a matter of National Security. Anyone who questioned the absurd "Oswald acted alone" narrative is ridiculed and mocked as a "Conspiracy theorist". You are just a wacky kook. But then we see all the evidence that there was a conspiracy (which there is plenty) was just discounted, ignored, and hidden away.)

April 1964 memo from FBI director J. Edgar Hoover, who notes the Warren Commission was investigating an alleged meeting at the Carousel Club (Owned by Jack Ruby) in Dallas attended by Officer J.D. Tippitt and others a week before the assassination, after a tip from conspiracy theorist lawyer Mark Lane. Hoover insists the investigation has already found nothing to suggest that such a meeting “ever took place or was ever likely." Tippit was killed by Oswald after he saw the alleged assassin walking in downtown Dallas shortly after Kennedy was shot.
(Tippits patrol car was in a section of Dallas that he doesn’t patrol but yet he was there anyway)…..(Lock this information away. National Security)


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