Wednesday, November 1, 2017

China Making Nice With South Korea......

China is getting nervous.
Right now there are 3 US Aircraft Carrier battle groups in the Pacific. That is not normal. There is usually only one.
Next week Trump heads to the Pacific for 12 days of meetings.
High on his agenda will be starting a new war with North Korea.
It is predicted next year North Korea will have a missile that can deliver a Nuclear weapon to the continental United States. Time is running out.
Trump needs buy in from South Korea and Japan. He can’t start a war in their back yard without their support. China wants a seat at that table when the decisions are made.
South Korea has a love hate relationship with China. China plays both sides. They prop up North Korea (which infuriates the South) but they are also an important trade partner.
Last year China shunned South Korea because South Korea agreed to deploy the US THAAD missile defense.
With Trump on his way (and war on the horizon) China needs to set aside that anger and make sure they are part of the discussion.
If they don’t patch things up than South Korea will view China (and North Korea) as their enemies and Trump will have his green light to start dropping really large b*mbs.
So China is ready to play nice.


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