Thursday, May 19, 2016

Democratic Party Upheaval......

Last week it was going to be the Republican National Convention that was going to be the national spectacle. With the outsider Donald Trump clashing with party insiders in front of the entire country.
This week it is the Democratic National Convention that could also be a National spectacle. With outsider Bernie Sanders (supporters) clashing with party insiders in what could be a spectacle in front of the entire country.
President Obama insists he fixed everything and everyone is thrilled in America today, but yet when you look at the political landscape that is not at all what you see.
It is the rigged political establishment VS the people. The establishment is not used to the people creating such a ruckus. They much prefer the people snoozing away while the parties pocket millions of dollars to sell them down the river.
I hope the ruckus continues.


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